
Togotech (토론 | 기여)님의 2020년 9월 8일 (화) 17:45 판 (새 문서: HP 6842A <pre> 1 ! 6842a-ibw.txt 10 ! 2019-03-22 20 ! 2020-09-08 트랜스포머 전압비 측정 30 ! 1 = 6842A 전압에 따라, 스스로 전류측정 40 !...)
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HP 6842A

1      ! 6842a-ibw.txt
10     ! 2019-03-22
20     ! 2020-09-08 트랜스포머 전압비 측정
30     ! 1 = 6842A 전압에 따라, 스스로 전류측정
40     ! 2 = 6842A 전압인가, 3458A 2차측 전압측정
50     ! 3 = 6842A 전압인가, 8842(add 03) 1차측 전류측정, 8842(add 02) 2차측 전압측정
60     OPTION BASE 1
70     ASSIGN @Ps TO 705
80     ASSIGN @Dmm TO 722
90     GOSUB Fileopen
100    GOSUB Measure
110    GOSUB Fileclose
120    STOP
130 Measure:  !
140    INTEGER I,V_start,V_stop
150    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
160    Type=2   !1=자체에서 v,i측정 2=v인가 3458로 전압측정(트랜스측정)
170    V_start=1   !정수 !!!!!!
180    V_stop=110  !110 또는 220 까지 정수 !!!!!!
190    Curr_limit=1      !흐르는 최대 전류  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  주의
200    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
210    Y_max=12       ! 그래프에서 Y축 최대
220    ALLOCATE Yarray(V_stop),Xarray(V_stop)
230    DIM Id$[50]
240    OUTPUT @Ps;"*IDN?"
250    ENTER @Ps;Id$
260    DISP Id$
270    OUTPUT @Ps;"VOLT 0"
280    OUTPUT @Ps;"VOLT:PROT 221"   !sets the overvoltage protection (OVP) level of the ac source
290    OUTPUT @Ps;"CURR:LEV ";Curr_limit ! Sets the rms current limit
300    OUTPUT @Ps;"CURR:PROT:STAT ON" ! enables the overcurrent (OC) protection function
310    OUTPUT @Ps;"OUTP ON"
320    SELECT Type
330    CASE 1
340      OUTPUT @File;"No.,Time[s],Volt[V],Curr[A],Apparent Power[VA],Real Power[W], Power Factor"
350    CASE 2
360      OUTPUT @File;"No.,Time[s],Vset[V],Vmeas[V],Vratio"
370    END SELECT 
380    GOSUB Chart_var
390    GOSUB Init_chart
400    T0=TIMEDATE
410    FOR I=V_start TO V_stop
420      T=TIMEDATE-T0
430      OUTPUT @Ps;"VOLT ";I
440      SELECT Type
450      CASE 1
460        GOSUB Reading_ps
470        Pf=W/Va
480        PRINT I,T,Vset,Curr,Va,W,Pf
490        OUTPUT @File;I,T,Vset,Curr,Va,W,Pf
500      CASE 2
510        GOSUB Reading_ps
520        GOSUB Reading_dmm
530        PRINT I,T,Vset,Vmeas,Vmeas/Vset
540        OUTPUT @File;I,T,Vset,Vmeas,Vmeas/Vset
550      END SELECT 
560      IF Vmeas>Y_max THEN Y_max=Vmeas
570      Xarray(I)=Vset
580      Yarray(I)=Vmeas
590      Y(1)=Vmeas
600      CONTROL @Strip;SET("POINT LOCATION":Xarray(I),"VALUES":Y(*))
610    NEXT I
620    OUTPUT @Ps;"OUTP OFF"
630    GOSUB Fileclose
640    RETURN
650 Reading_ps:   !
660    OUTPUT @Ps;"MEASure:VOLTage:AC?"
670    ENTER @Ps;Vset
680    OUTPUT @Ps;"MEASure:CURRent:AC?"
690    ENTER @Ps;Curr
700    OUTPUT @Ps;"MEASure:POWer:AC:APParent?"
710    ENTER @Ps;Va
720    OUTPUT @Ps;"MEASure:POWer:AC:REAL?"
730    ENTER @Ps;W
740    RETURN
750 Reading_dmm:  !
760    OUTPUT @Dmm;"TRIG SGL"
770    ENTER @Dmm;Vmeas
780    RETURN
790 Fileopen:  !
800    DIM Filename$[20],Dhms$[8]
810    Time$=TIME$(TIMEDATE)
820    Date$=DATE$(TIMEDATE)
830    Dhms$=Date$[1;2]&Time$[1;2]&Time$[4;2]&Time$[7;2]
840    Filename$=Dhms$&".txt"
850    CREATE Filename$,1
860    ASSIGN @File TO Filename$;FORMAT ON
870    RETURN
880 Fileclose: !
890    ASSIGN @File TO *
900    RETURN
910 Chart_var:    !
920    X_origin=V_start
930    X_range=V_stop-V_start
940    X_axis_label$="1st Volt[V]"
950    Y_origin=0
960    Y_range=Y_max
970    Y_axis_label$="2nd Volt[V]"
980    RETURN
990 Init_chart:    !
1000   DIM X_axis_label$[25],Y_axis_label$[25]
1010   INTEGER Trace_num
1020   INTEGER Screen_dims(1:2),Gwindow_dims(1:4)
1030   REAL Y(1:1)  !챠트가 하나
1040   GESCAPE CRT,36;Screen_dims(*) ! Get screen width and height.
1050  !
1060  ! Set the dimensions of the graphics window using GESCAPE 33 so
1070  ! that it is centered on the screen.
1080  !
1090   Gwindow_dims(1)=Screen_dims(1)*.25 ! X of upper left.
1100   Gwindow_dims(2)=Screen_dims(2)*.2  ! Y of upper left.
1110   Gwindow_dims(3)=Screen_dims(1)*.7  ! Width.
1120   Gwindow_dims(4)=Screen_dims(2)*.6  ! Height.
1130   GESCAPE CRT,33;Gwindow_dims(*)     ! Set graphics window geometry.
1140  !
1150   GESCAPE CRT,35 ! Move the graphics window to the top.
1160  !
1170  ! Create a stripchart.  Make it invisible until all changes are made.
1180  !
1200  !
1210  ! Set the overall attributes.
1220  !
1230   CONTROL @Strip;SET("TITLE":"Data Logger")
1250   CONTROL @Strip;SET("MOVABLE":0)
1270   CONTROL @Strip;SET("X":0,"Y":0)
1280  !
1290  ! Size the stripchart to exactly fill the graphics window.
1300  !
1310   Vert_borders=26
1320   Horiz_borders=8
1330   Height=Gwindow_dims(4)-Vert_borders
1340   Width=Gwindow_dims(3)-Horiz_borders
1350   CONTROL @Strip;SET("WIDTH":Width,"HEIGHT":Height)
1360  !
1380   CONTROL @Strip;SET("ORIGIN":X_origin,"RANGE":X_range)
1390   CONTROL @Strip;SET("AXIS LABEL":X_axis_label$)
1400  !CONTROL @Strip;SET("DIGITS":5)
1410  !
1430   CONTROL @Strip;SET("ORIGIN":Y_origin,"RANGE":Y_range)
1440   CONTROL @Strip;SET("AXIS LABEL":Y_axis_label$)
1450  !
1460   CONTROL @Strip;SET("VISIBLE":1) ! Show the stripchart.
1470  !
1480   RETURN
1490   END